
Margo Albert’s Role in Latino Community

I, as well as other leading members of our Hispanic community were dismayed about the reference to Margo Albert in the article about Latinos and Hollywood films (Nuestro Tiempo, Feb. 7). We were dismayed because of the frivolous and unfair profile it presented of her.

Margo Albert was one of the outstanding humanitarians and doers of good our community ever had. She was beloved by the Hispanic community, as well as other segments of our society, because she gave her life, time, and purse to help those not fortunate enough to help themselves. Those in need of food, shelter and education, as well as individuals who assisted her with these deeds, know of what I speak.

Plaza de La Raza, the Cultural Center in East Los Angeles, was one of her dreams and accomplishments. It is truly indicative of her energies and stands as her monument. Her name adorns a building at the Plaza not because of acting ability, but instead because of her compassion for the poor and downtrodden.


At her eulogy, attended by many of the most important people in California, Mayor Bradley in part summed up Margo Albert’s accomplishments when he said “Margo Albert was a force for good to be reckoned with.”


Executive Director

Basic Adult Spanish Education
