
Dialing for Health Care

Over-the-phone referrals to wellness and health care programs are available from a number of hospitals and medical groups.

Children’s Hospital, Mercy Hospital, Scripps Memorial Hospitals, Tri-City Medical Center and San Diego County Medical Society all have physician referral services.

One service, the Alternative Care Hotline, lets people know about non-traditional health care options. The service lists about 35 practitioners throughout the San Diego area, including chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncturists, hypnotherapists and holistically minded dentists and physicians.


Here are some of the health referral services available in North County:

Alternative Care Hotline 800-350-6786

Children’s Hospital Healthcare Referral Service North County Coastal, 944-9971

North County Inland, 745-9971

Chiropractic Information Bureau 489-2870

Community Physicians Assn. 942-0991

Mercy Hospital Physician Referral Service 800-336-9995

North County Chiropractic Information Bureau 941-0566

San Diego County Medical Society 800-542-6248

Scripps Memorial Hospitals Health Carefinder 800-492-2273

Tri-City Medical Assn. 724-1443
