
AMA on National Health Plan

Dr. George Lundberg of the AMA decries the fact that some people in the U.S. have inadequate or nonexistent health insurance. Does he suggest that doctors treat these people for free? Does he suggest that he and others make voluntary donations to fill the gap? No, he demands that the taxpayer, in one form or another, subsidize health insurance (it is always the “other guy” who has to foot the bill). He wants the government to be a robbing hood and take from those who can afford insurance to give to those who need insurance.

Along with this is (Assembly Speaker) Willie Brown’s effort to get state government to force the taxpayer to pay part of the car insurance bill for low-income people. Brown wants you to give your money to someone who doesn’t have as much as you do.

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Karl Marx must be grinning in his grave.



