
School Construction

Last year, state voters approved $1.6 billion in school construction bonds--$800 million in June and $800 million in November. The money is already allocated and there is a backlog of at least $5.5 billion in approved school construction projects waiting for additional funding. This chart shows how the November money was distributed.

$603 million (75.4%) was used for school construction or expansion.

$52 million (6.5%) went for modernization.

$40 million (5%) was spent on air conditioning for year-round schools.

$35 million (4.4%) was spent on emergency-related projects.

$25 million (3.1%) was used for portable classrooms.

$25 million (3.1%) covered inflation costs.

$20 million (2.5%) was spent on other costs.

Source: California Department of Education
