
Water Savers Are Being Penalized

As my neighbors and I await the arrival of our bimonthly utility bills with apprehension and palpitating hearts, our thoughts and observations turn to the drought and how officialdom proposes to deal with this serious situation.

Three tried and proven solutions spring almost instantaneously to the mind of the “leadership personality.”

An “Act of God” has served insurance companies well for many years. Not applicable. Act of God frees the insurer from paying out, but brings no cash in. Ah, but there is Crime and Punishment, providing for a scapegoat (the crime of wastefulness) as well as revenue enhancements (fines).


While we are conscious of the need for conservation and eager to comply, we who have been careful with our resources for a number of years are getting punished while the wasters who were chasing one leaf down their driveways with gallons of water are going free.

Why can we not have 1986 for a date of comparison, like Los Angeles? I am angry.


