
Comments on Sculpture Commentary

Columnist Doug Smith has probably written his best commentary to date in “A Public Sculpture Takes Glendale Into Its ‘Darling’ Embrace’ ” (May 9).

His comments on Glendale’s first-purchased acquisition of sculpture, “Me Too,” now ensconced at the Central Library, as being “so Glendale” are well chosen. It was chosen by former Mayor Jerold Milner, who is not noted for his 20-20 vision, at least in naming representative Glendalians to a civic committee.

The appeal of all art, it seems, is a matter of personal choice. But the subject matter is another thing. As Smith writes: Why not have a subject from contemporary life that would engage the public as well as immortalize moments in Glendale’s history?


I say, why not a statue of John Wayne, who, as Marion Morrison, was a graduate of Glendale High School and played on its football team? John Wayne, known throughout the world as one of the most popular and likable movie stars ever to ride into a Hollywood sunset.

Can’t you just see a life-size bronze sculpture of John Wayne with his crooked grin, eyes steely under his cowboy hat, knee bent, hand on his six-shooter or in a warm wave to the people of Glendale?

I’d love it!

How about you, Doug Smith? How about you five City Council members?

If we can’t rename the Gov. George Deukmejian Wildlife Park in John Wayne’s honor, then let’s have a civic statue to memorialize him.


John Wayne is “world,” but he also is “Glendale.”


