
Release of 710 Environmental Study Backed

The Tri-City Transportation Coalition strongly supports the signing and release of the Environmental Impact Study for the Long Beach Freeway (710) gap completion by the Federal Highway Administration.

This position has been relayed formally to Washington.

Tri-City Transportation Coalition is a group of community leaders of three adjacent cities with a total population of 405,272, Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena.

The TCTC consists of 21 board members, including elected representatives, Chamber of Commerce officials, city managers and citizens. We share an east-west freeway corridor (134/210) that is negatively impacted by the present imperfect north-south connection.


We are frustrated with the 30 years of study, stalling and obstruction by a single community. We are anxious to see this 6.2-mile gap in our regional freeway system finally closed.


Chair, Tri-City Transportation Coalition

