
SANTA ANA : Federal Money Goes to 51 Programs

In an effort to help as many social service agencies as possible, the City Council has distributed $4.1 million in federal money to 51 of the 58 social service programs that had requested funding for the next budget year.

During its regular council meeting Monday evening, the council allotted money to 10 programs that had not received recommendations for grant funds by a citizens advisory commission. The council decided to give smaller amounts to more organizations.

Among those that will receive the unanticipated grants are the Pena Referral Center, the Cambodian Family Center, the Santa Ana arts council and the YWCA Child Care program. Among those that will receive less money than originally expected are the After-School Latchkey program, the Police Department’s helicopter program and a shelter for the homeless.


Of the federal block grant, $620,000 was budgeted for social service agencies, $1 million for Bristol Street improvement, $625,000 for other public works improvements such as curbs, sidewalks and alleys, and $450,000 for housing projects.
