
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO : Homemaker Gets School Board Post

Kathryn Itzel, a 42-year-old homemaker, was appointed to the Capistrano Unified School District Board of Trustees this week.

A former PTA president, Itzel was selected by the remaining six members of the board on Monday to fill the unexpired term of Brian R. Demsey, who resigned earlier this month. The term expires in November, 1992. She will be sworn in June 3.

Itzel, who has children attending Marco Forster Junior High School and San Clemente High School, was selected from among seven candidates. Last week, the board pared the field to Itzel; Kenneth H. Combs, a San Juan Capistrano business consultant and former attorney; and Sonia Adelman, a San Juan Capistrano homemaker.


It took the trustees three secret ballots Monday to select Itzel, with the first two resulting in tie votes.

“It was nerve-racking, but I guess that’s why they have seven members on the board, so they can avoid ties,” Itzel said. “But I’m real pleased.”

Itzel’s selection by the board could be overturned if 1,500 signatures are collected within 30 days by someone demanding a special election. No one, however, has indicated that this will occur.


Itzel said she will spend the next few weeks learning about the district and its operations and issues. The district recently cut $4.2 million from its budget.

“I have a lot of reading and studying to do,” she said.
