
Perhaps Police Need Course on Dogs

Regarding the latest chapter in the story of the Shepard family and their Rottweilers:

I know that if a strange man opened my gate and entered my yard, my dog would run toward him in a threatening manner. If the man ran, he might bite him. My dog is not a trained guard or attack dog, but any dog worthy of the name, be it poodle or Rottweiler, will protect his territory. That’s one of the reasons men have kept them for thousands of years.

Under what circumstances can a police officer come into my yard and shoot my dog for doing his job?

If Officer Carranza had not panicked, had stood his ground and kept his arms at his sides in a non-threatening manner, the dog would probably never have touched him. Instinct would tell the dog to “hold” him, that is, make sure he didn’t move.


Maybe the Police Academy should include a one-day course in dog behavior before setting loose armed men who are afraid of dogs.

