Why hold a “Sophisticated Snoop” home tour...
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Why hold a “Sophisticated Snoop” home tour for the 19th year in a row? Well, it’s the chief fund-raiser for American Martyrs School at 1701 Laurel Ave., Manhattan Beach. And in previous years, “2,000 or 3,000 people” have attended, says Debbie Walmer, who chairs the event. Mystery solved; case closed.
Those interested in interior, um, detectoration will find the ticket price of $15 (half price for children) covers visits to six homes. They are open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today. (They were also open Saturday, so it shouldn’t be too crowded.)
This year, four of the homes are in Manhattan Beach: at 541 4th St., with a Santa Fe theme; at 120 Manhattan Ave., with a country flavor; at 844 11th St., where a TV screening room is part of the high-tech theme, and 3300 The Strand, where a balcony on the master bedroom overlooks the ocean. Two are in Hermosa Beach, at 2116 Monterey Ave., where contemporary (collector pictures of the Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan) appears at home with classical Italian light fixtures, and at 2526 Hermosa Ave., with a courtyard entrance and a master bedroom closet 7-feet wide and 24-feet long.
Marla Engel, the martyr to the cause who lives at the Manhattan Avenue house in Manhattan Beach, confessed that “this is the first time” her home will be open for a Sophisticated Snoopers’ investigation.
What if they stop being so sophisticated and peruse her medicine cabinets or inspect under the beds for dust kittens when they are supposed to be admiring her antique quilts? “They’re not supposed to touch anything,” she said.
In addition, other American Martyr parents will be deployed throughout the house to observe the observers--and at one house, to serve free coffee and homemade cookies.
“The closets might not be as orderly as the house,” Engel said, then gave the mild, relaxed laugh of someone who’s expecting a visit from her sister rather than thousands of strangers.
People can start at any of the houses and snoop in any order they choose. Tickets are available at any of the homes or at American Martyrs School. The school office will be open for any questions: 545-8559.