
Employment Figures Don’t Seem to Add Up

To those who really believe that national employment increased last month, “Nation’s Jobless Rate Takes First Dip in 11 Months” (May 4), I would like to sell them shares in the Coronado Bridge.

The surprisingly positive change in this vital economic indicator was attributed to two reasons. First, a sudden shift of workers going into business for themselves.

I too have observed a similar trend. There are those who are relocating to downtown areas to get closer to the market, and moving into ingenious portable housing units.


Many have entered waste management, collecting aluminum cans, plastic containers and paper. Some have already acquired carts to facilitate shipping. Others are using modern advertising and promotion methods, displaying large signs, “Will work for food.” Children are sometimes used for greater impact. The balance, instead of using telemarketing, are soliciting funds directly from the public.

But, not to worry! The burgeoning volume of ads for used cars, homes and household effects indicates that these new entrepreneurs are in the process of accumulating vast amounts of seed capital. Even Gov. Pete Wilson’s coffers will be filled when his 17.9% sales tax increase goes into effect.

The second reason given for the rise was an increase in government payrolls. In other words, the government has already made provision for the tremendous amount of business to be generated by this new wave of entrepreneurs.


What a country! Happy days are here again!


San Diego
