
Distel’s Sailing Column Cuts Off One Reader

Winning the IACC World Championship yacht race for Italy’s Il Moro de Venezia was a great achievement in seamanship and sportsmanship for their crew and skipper. This bodes well for the victors in next year’s America’s Cup ’92.

Writer Dave Distel’s “Don’t Go Overboard Over This” piece (May 12), however, makes San Diego look less than hospitable a place for the upcoming event. His attempts at humor linking Joe DiMaggio to Vito Corleone is a tasteless insult to a great athlete as well as embarrassing for San Diego.

Had Japan won the race, I suppose he would compare the Japanese to Fu Manchu? He should also be informed that pizza did--in fact--originate in Naples and that we sometimes do build buildings that do not lean.


I would hope that during next year’s races The Times gives its coverage over to someone with better manners than Distel exhibits. His inappropriate comments about Italy and Italians, I believe, belong more in a Martin Scorcese film than they do on a sports page.


San Diego
