
OXNARD : Council May Hold Fewer Sessions

The Oxnard City Council has agreed to restructure its meeting schedule, a decision that could lead to fewer sessions.

Presently, the five-member council meets the first four Tuesdays of every month at 1:30 p.m. In months that include five Tuesdays, the council does not meet on the fifth Tuesday.

But starting Tuesday, the council will hold its regular meetings the first three Tuesdays of the month.


The fourth Tuesday will be reserved for special meetings involving long-term planning, such as budget-reduction sessions, or lengthy public hearings, such as an upcoming hearing to discuss changes in the mobile home rent-control ordinance.

The council will continue to meet twice a month on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 to consider development permit applications.

The council also agreed to make special presentations at night and to change the time when citizens are invited to address the council on topics not on the agenda from the afternoon sessions to the evening ones.
