
2 Share First-Place Honors in High School Vocal Contest

Orange County students Lynette Tapia and Garrick Frost shared first-place honors in the first High School Vocal Competition sponsored by Opera Pacific and the company’s Guild Alliance last week at Huntington Beach High School.

Tapia, a senior at San Clemente High School, won $600 for singing “Batti, batti” from Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” and “Je veux vivre” from Gounod’s “Romeo et Juliette.”

Frost, a senior at Corona del Mar High School, also won $600. He sang “Non piu andrai” from Mozart’s “Le Nozze di Figaro” and a song by Richard Hundley.


Autumn Carlson, a freshman at Dana Hills High School, and Brian Campbell, a senior at Marina High School, each won $300 second-place honors.

Third-place awards of $100 each went to Claire Penneaut, a junior at Arlington High School, and Frank Cabibi, a senior at Fountain Valley High School.

The six were chosen from a field of 10 by a panel of judges that included radio personality Carl Princi, UCLA voice consultant Dorothy Waren-Skjold, and Violet McMahon, chairman of the Pepperdine University opera department.
