
Contributions to Bradley Campaigns

Mayor Tom Bradley has appointed the city’s 244 commissioners. Records show that at least 107 commissioners have contributed a total of $673,661 to the mayor’s various political campaigns from 1983 through 1989. The following commissioners account for the bulk of the donations. (Related story, A1)

COMMISSIONER COMMISSION CONTRIBUTION Ronald S. Lushing Harbor $183,220 Richard Riordan Recreation and Parks $134,000 Amarjit Marwah Cultural Heritage $40,075 Norman Emerson Community Redevelopment $35,450 Johnnie Cochran Airports $33,300 Robert Abernethy Metropolitan Water Department $32,050 Melanie Lomax Police $28,791 Si Un Park Convention & Exhibition Center $25,000 Jun Mori Harbor $22,350 Nick Patsaouras Zoning Appeals $11,250 TOTAL $545,486

Compiled by Times researcher Cecilia Rasmussen
