
Call for Environmental Debate Wasn’t Biased

Your article (May 10) concerning the debate controversy in the Galanter-Gray 6th Council District race mentions my request to both candidates for a debate on environmental issues. Although the information is essentially correct, statements were made which carry an innuendo that I was less than fair with my request.

You reported that I had “been on hand to support Galanter at two of her recent news conferences.” The implication is I am biased and that these news conferences were campaign-related. In fact, I was there in support of Galanter’s positions, both of which are important to the Friends of Ballona Wetlands. The first press conference concerned the destruction of the least tern nesting site on the Marina Peninsula by county maintenance teams. At the second press conference I was there to support the deletion of the Falmouth Avenue extension through the Ballona Wetlands.

I consider both these issues not just campaign posturing but enduring local problems about which it is the duty of the Friends of Ballona Wetlands to take a strong position. Of course, I am delighted Councilwoman Galanter supports the Friends on both issues and I admit I am unhappy with Gray’s position in favor of Falmouth.


The article also stated that Gray complained that she was given no choice of dates for the debate. Neither was Galanter. I gave her the 28th and she said yes. I thought that date was far enough in the future for both parties to arrange their calendars. I immediately contacted Gray. She has tentatively accepted, subject to certain conditions, which we are now negotiating.

The 6th District is particularly environmentally sensitive. It borders Santa Monica Bay, contains the last major wetland in Los Angeles County and a rare, fragile dune system. Because of the impact of development, there are many questions about its future. I’d like to hear some answers to those questions.

Let’s have a debate.


Playa del Rey

Editor’s note: Lansford is a co-chairwoman of Friends of Ballona Wetlands.
