
Downey : 2 Councilmen, Mediator to Try to Resolve Police Strife

In an attempt to settle continuing problems in the Downey Police Department, the City Council on Tuesday assigned two council members to work with police union officials, Police Chief D. Clayton Mayes and City Manager Gerald M. Caton.

Councilmen Robert G. Cormack and Robert Brazelton will meet with Mayes, Caton, Downey Police Officer’s Assn. representatives and a yet-to-be named mediator to try to resolve inner strife within the force. A date for the negotiations has not been set.

Council members voted unanimously to furnish $5,000 from the general fund to hire an outside negotiator and plan a retreat, outside the city, where the group will try to resolve problems. The group hopes to identify problem areas between the police chief and his subordinates and plan a solution.


Last month, about 70% of the department’s 123 officers cast a no-confidence vote against Mayes and promised not to ask for a raise if he was fired. The city will not consider terminating Mayes’ contract, Caton said.
