
EDUCATION : Colleges : Business School Given Full Accreditation After 3 Years

The School of Business Administration at Cal State Long Beach has been awarded full accreditation after spending three years on academic probation following a noisy dispute between its then-dean and much of the school’s faculty.

“We’re very pleased,” university President Curtis L. McCray said regarding the recent decision by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business to reinstate the school to full accreditation status. “We got the accreditation because the school faculty and dean . . . are working together.”

The school was placed on probation three years ago after investigators from the accreditation board determined that it had fallen below acceptable academic standards. In the weeks leading up to that determination, the dean of the school, Mohamed Moustafa, had been under criticism by faculty members who blamed him for what they called an “unstable administrative environment” that had undermined their ability to teach.
