
City Council Bans Targeting Private Residences for Protest

The Glendale City Council this week approved a ban on picketing at private residences, following Los Angeles County and cities such as Burbank in adopting measures to protect public officials and others against protests at their homes.

The council voted 4 to 0, with Councilwoman Eileen Givens absent, to approve the ordinance. The law prohibits protesters from “encircling” or targeting a specific residence, but does not bar them from moving up and down the street in front of the house, said City Atty. Scott Howard.

Although Glendale has not had a serious problem with picketing outside individuals’ homes, protesters have demonstrated outside the Glendale home of Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich, who lives in the same neighborhood as Councilman Carl Raggio, Raggio has said.
