
South Pasadena : Interest-Conflict Complaint

Members of the South Pasadena Taxpayers Assn. say they filed a complaint this week with the state Fair Political Practices Commission, saying that either Mayor Pro Tem Harry A. Knapp or his wife, Clarice, vice chairwoman of the Cultural Heritage Commission, must leave office because of a conflict of interest.

The groups claims that Harry Knapp’s voting on the council is influenced by his wife’s position on the commission.

“The issue is clear-cut,” said Thomas Biesek, a member of the self-styled political watchdog organization. “One or the other of them has to go.”


Clarice Knapp, a Cultural Heritage Commission member since 1987, said Wednesday: “There is no conflict of interest. This issue came up a year ago, and it was completely resolved.”

Harry Knapp was elected to the council in 1990.
