
La Puente : Recall Drive Threatened

Opponents of a city redevelopment plan vowed to sponsor a referendum and threatened a recall drive if the City Council approves the plan.

More than 50 people jammed the council chambers Tuesday at a public hearing before the City Council, acting as the Redevelopment Agency board. Most expressed opposition to the 20-month-old plan to revitalize so-called “blighted” areas and broaden the city’s tax revenue base.

Christopher Sutton, attorney for the citizens group, Project Area Committee, promised a referendum drive if the proposal is adopted without input from the group.


He accused city staff of ignoring suggestions from the group, which has opposed two key elements of the plan--the seizure of private property for redevelopment and the tightening of requirements for obtaining building permits.

About 40 homes and 200 businesses are in the 92-acre project area.

Bernard Acton, Project Area Committee chairman, also threatened a recall drive of council members.

The council is scheduled to respond to written comments from the hearing at its May 28 meeting.
