
* Seven years ago, Michael McConkey started...

* Seven years ago, Michael McConkey started Edible Landscaping, a mail-order nursery. His goal was to popularize plants that are easy to grow yet produce delicious fruit. Now that the Los Angeles water supply is being monitored, why not consider planting mulberries and figs instead of maples and firs? If you’d like to plant your own edible back-yard salad bar, write McConkey for a copy of his Edible Landscaping catalogue at P.O. Box 77, Afton, Va. 22920.

* Would you like a job as an ice cream taster? If you can (creatively) explain why you’d like the job in 150 words or less apply to: Assistant Ice Cream Taster, Dreyers’s Grand Ice Cream, 5929 College Ave., Oakland, Calif. 94618. The 25 winning applicants will receive all-expenses-paid trips to San Francisco for two nights and a day of ice cream tasting, plus gift certificates for their weight in ice cream (one hopes after the tasting). Entries must be received by Aug. 16.
