
ORANGE : Boy Shot by Brother in Fair Condition

A 4-year-old Garden Grove boy shot last week by his 5-year-old brother during a game of cops and robbers was in fair condition Tuesday at UCI Medical Center in Orange.

Officials said the boy has improved so much he will probably be moved from the intensive-care unit in a few days.

“It’s really something how well he’s doing,” hospital spokeswoman Fran Tardiff said.

Charles Dolan was accidentally shot in the chest with a .357 magnum revolver by his brother Thursday morning as they played alone in the home, police said.


Police said the gun, which belonged to their oldest brother, was stolen Feb. 22 from a Cypress home during a robbery by three masked teen-age intruders.

That brother, 17, had left the gun on the floor by his bed, then left the children alone in the home, police said.

He was arrested Friday afternoon and charged Monday with felony child endangerment and possessing the stolen gun that wounded his brother.
