
The Hunt Is On: To meet the...


The Hunt Is On: To meet the growing demand, Ron Smith’s Celebrity Look-Alikes in Los Angeles is launching a nationwide search this week for “twins” of war heros Norman Schwarzkopf and Colin Powell. “Whoever is chosen can expect to make a number of personal appearances at events where women gather . . .,” said agency spokesman Robert Hughes. The agency also seeks mirror images of other public figures, including L.A. Police Chief Daryl Gates.

On the Loose: A rental videotape of “Lassie’s Great Adventure,” which included six minutes of X-rated material, was discovered by two Miami children. About 75 minutes into the film, a Lassie look-alike began cavorting with two nude women who spoke German. “I looked at it and I nearly dropped dead,” said Gail Scheiner, who had rented the movie for her daughter and son. The video was turned over to the FBI.

Word Play: “Baseball’s Greatest Quotations,” a new book edited by Paul Dickson, has more than its share of colorful insights into the national pastime among its 5,000 entries. To wit: The Phillies’ Danny Ozark, when asked about the team’s morale: “It’s not a question of morality.” Billy Graham on meeting Babe Ruth: “That was my greatest thrill since I was converted to Christ.” Westbrook Pegler on Lefty Grove: “He could throw a lamb chop past a wolf.”


On the Nose: Police in the Dutch town of Arnhem scented a murder mystery when they stopped a man riding a delivery tricycle after bystanders complained of a bad smell. Inside the trike’s cupboard was a 6-day-old corpse. “The suspect said he killed the man and kept the body at home, but he couldn’t stand the smell so decided to look for somewhere to dump it,” said police spokesman Willem Wolgemoet.
