
COUNTYWIDE : County May Allocate Homeless Grants

The Ventura County Board of Supervisors is scheduled to vote Tuesday on handing out $49,000 in federal grants to homeless programs run by the Catholic Charities, Project Understanding and the county’s Public Social Services Agency.

The money, earmarked for aid to homeless people, comes from the Emergency Shelter Grant Program run by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

If approved by the board, $24,000 will be allocated to the Catholic Charities to provide housing vouchers for the homeless who are mentally ill; $21,400 would go toward Project Understanding’s food bank and other assistance to the homeless and $3,600 would help finance a new caseworker position at homeless shelters for the county’s social services agency.


The county chose these organizations from five applicants, including the county’s chapter of the American Red Cross and the Zoe Christian Center. The selection was based, in part, on how well these projects complement existing county programs, said Marty Shaw-Halloway, manager of the county’s special projects unit.

Several agencies rely on Project Understanding’s food and prevention programs, Shaw-Halloway said.
