
President Bush on Free Speech

President Bush took a courageous stand on a sensitive issue with his frank remarks for those who would shut us up should we utter a word, blink our eyes or nod our heads in dissent of their “politically correct” positions on matters ethnic, racial or pertaining to gender or sexual affinity.

When college students are punished for “politically incorrect” utterances by being forced to write self-criticisms in student newspapers, what’s next for them, short of expulsion? “I am sorry” armbands or some other form of literally cutting out their tongues? Shades of the Cultural Revolution!

Is it not possible that those who would still our voices through intimidation, who portray themselves as official spokesman of those they perceive as under-represented, are reading the First Amendment backwards? What’s worse, aren’t they rewriting it to fit their causes and achieve their goals through not-so-subtle coercion?


Thought control. Hmmm. Haven’t we heard that before in other places at other times?

