
Teachers Deserve Salary Increase

As a former elementary school librarian of the Las Virgenes Unified School District, I take issue with Diane Venable’s letter decrying the salary increase in that district.

Teachers deserve every cent of that raise.

Las Virgenes has a well-deserved reputation for excellence. The district has several schools recognized by the Department of Education as outstanding. Families move to the area specifically for the quality education the schools offer.

Unfortunately, this excellence is achieved by hiring superior people, both teaching and support, and then overburdening them. In many cases, one person is asked to do the job of two people. Teachers work with huge class sizes and then are given little or no money for supplies.


How long can professionals be expected to work under these conditions for low pay? And why should they?

I can’t understand why people will spend large amounts of money on a house or a car and yet begrudge their children the cost of a quality education.

KATHY HALL, North Hollywood
