
Should Taxpayers Say Yes or No to Measure J and Gypsum Canyon Jail?

They told us the Lottery would raise substantial money for schools. They lied!

They told us: “Tax cigarettes with Prop. 99 and we’ll fund the trauma centers and hospitals.” They lied!

They told us: “Raise the gas tax and we will build new freeways and mass transit.” Then they said Orange County can’t have any of the money unless we vote for increased sales taxes. Now they say they underestimated and they need billions and billions more! They lied!

Every time we vote to increase taxes, they either take the funding away or say they misjudged and now they need more. Let’s not make the same mistake on the “Jail Tax.” Let’s not throw more money at a system that obviously isn’t working.


If they want more funding, they should show us plans for true rehabilitation centers--and they should start telling us the truth.

JEFFRY WINTERS, Capistrano Beach
