

A sheriff’s deputy, accused of attempting to rape a sleeping 16-year-old girl, was ordered Friday to stand trial on two felony charges.

Raymond Charles Johnson, who is on administrative leave from the Encinitas substation, is charged with the attempted rape of an unconscious person and the attempted rape of a female under 18.

After a short preliminary hearing, Municipal Judge Charles L. Patrick ordered that Johnson be arraigned May 28 in Superior Court.


Johnson, a five-year veteran of the Sheriff’s Department, remains free on his own recognizance.

The only witness at Friday’s hearing was the alleged victim, now 17 and a high school student in San Diego. The girl testified that she was attacked during the early morning hours of Aug. 2 as she slept on a couch in a friend’s Encinitas apartment.

She said that she had met Johnson just hours before the attack, and that he knew she was 16.


If Johnson is convicted, he could be sentenced to four years in state prison.
