
San Marino : 7 Teachers to Be Laid Off

The San Marino Unified School Board voted Wednesday to lay off seven of its 130 teachers at the end of the year as part of $500,000 in cuts to balance an $11-million annual budget.

Starting next fall, the district will no longer offer classes in French, drama, drafting and industrial arts, San Marino board member Fritz Seares said.

Seniority and teaching credentials will determine who will be laid off, he said. For example, if a French teacher with 12 years experience is also qualified to teach English, she might get the job of an English teacher with less seniority.


Seares said the district also voted to reduce the hours school psychologists and guidance counselors will be available. More cuts are planned later this month and in June, he said. All school districts must submit a 1991-92 budget to the state by June 30.
