
Mother’s Day would not be the same...

Mother’s Day would not be the same at the Heritage Square Museum in Montecito Heights without 75-year-old Mary Lilien and her 79-year-old husband, Ben.

In the late 1940s, Mary Lilien started collecting hoop skirts, bustles, high-top shoes, teddies and long, sidewalk-sweeping dresses. But it was not until 1985 that she began coordinating at least 10 fashion shows a year for charities, she said.

Two years ago, the Liliens began a vintage fashion show on Mother’s Day. “It’s an annual event that has generated some


momentum,” said Steve Trowbridge, the museum’s spokesman.

Today’s show begins at 1:30 p.m. Ten volunteers will stroll around the 10-acre museum, a conglomeration of houses and other historical structures just off the Pasadena Freeway at Avenue 43, in clothes dating from the 1860s to the 1920s.

Mothers who bring their children along will get in for half price, or $2.25. Admission for other adults is $4.50. Children ages 12 to 17 and seniors pay $3, and children under 12 get in free.
