
Charity League Fetes Students for Service

The Saddleback Valley Chapter of the National Charity League honored 15 students for six years of community service and involvement with the league.

Honorees are Becky Tabatsky, Santa Margarita High; Michelle Saviors, Kristin Wybenga and Amy Giraud, Capistrano Valley High; Michelle Seemann, Marya Alexander, Holly Hillier, Karen Gallucci, Regan Rhebeck, Annika Godfrey, Colleen Thurlow, Juli Menn, Refawne Smith and Carrie Sisco, Laguna Hills High, and Julie Chris, Mission Viejo High.

The Saddleback Chapter provides services to Meals on Wheels, public libraries, Saddleback Community Enterprises and Oso Viejo Senior Center, among others.


Westminster resident Pamala D. McGovern, executive director of Orange County Council on Aging Long Term Care Ombudsman Service, was given the Soroptimist International of Westminster 1991 Woman of Distinction in Health award.

This is the seventh year the Soroptimist group has honored women who have excelled in their work.

The award is given to businesswomen who have served in their field for at least 10 years and are recognized as women of commitment and dedication.


Huntington Beach resident David LeBoff, 18, received his Boy Scout Eagle rank at a Court of Honor. The Orange Coast College student organized and conducted a community blood drive in cooperation with the American Red Cross for his Eagle community project.

To recognize her years of support of education for women, Shirley Ross McCracken, of Anaheim Hills, had an Educational Foundation Named Gift designated in her name by the California State Division of the American Assn. of University Women. The gift will be in the form of a higher education scholarship.

A party crowd of 25 helped Lillian Stanley Holditch celebrate her 104th birthday at the Lake Forest Nursing Center in El Toro.


Robert McCarroll, an industrial arts teacher at San Clemente High, received the Outstanding Teacher award at a recent Vocational Education Conference. He was recognized for his contributions to vocational education programs in California.

White Violet pins for 50 years of service to the Long Beach Alumnae Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority were presented to Virginia Dial and Isabel McPherson, Seal Beach; Isabelle Hall and Connie Hubbard, Garden Grove, and Lee Warner, Huntington Beach.

Victoria Collison, a Newport Beach resident and UCLA graduate student, has been awarded the Bruce Harwood Memorial Scholarship by the Real Estate Educators Assn. headquartered in Chicago.

The $500 award, named after the noted author of real estate texts, is presented to selected students of real estate who demonstrate excellent academic records and interest in following a career in real estate.

The former Newport Harbor High student will receive her master’s degree in business administration in June.

Stacy Lynn Oyler, a senior at Brea Olinda High; Shannon Duffy, an eighth-grader at St. Angela School and Michael Stark, a student at the Cleta Harder Developmental School in La Habra, were winners of Youth Citizenship Awards from the Brea Chamber of Commerce. Oyler received $500, Duffy $100 and Stark was presented a special commendation for outstanding citizenship.


Costa Mesa High junior Nicholas Finney has been selected to participate in a nine-week summer science research program at the University of Texas, Austin.

The Young Scholars Program in Life Science and Biochemistry, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, combines course work and research.

A total of 50 students nationwide will take part in the program, which starts June 9.
