
Miller Plans to Test a Lighter Lite Beer

<i> Associated Press</i>

A new “Lite Ultra” beer is expected from Miller Brewing Co. that slims a 12-ounce serving down to 77 calories, industry analysts said.

The beer, which has 24 calories less than Miller’s Lite beer, will be test marketed in San Diego, Louisville, Ky., Madison, and the state of Arizona, the analysts said.

Milwaukee-based Miller refused to comment. Peter LaFrance, associate editor of the Washington, D.C.-based trade publication Beverage Media, said the company also is reluctant to discuss the brewing process that reduces the calories.


Miller, the nation’s No. 2 beer producer, shipped 19.9 million barrels of Lite last year, up 1% from 1989, according to the industry newsletter Beer Marketer’s Insights.

Newsletter publisher Jerry Steinman said the new brand’s success will depend on its taste and image.

“It may make it, it may not.”
