
Irvine Church to Host Vocal Group

The King’s Men vocal group from Biola University in La Mirada will entertain during two concerts Sunday at Woodbridge Community Church in Irvine.

The six-member group gave a popular performance at Woodbridge on Mother’s Day last year and recently toured Northern California and Oregon.

The Mother’s Day concerts are at 8 and 10:45 a.m. at the church, 5000 Barranca Parkway. Reservations are not required. Information: (714) 552-1101.


The Women’s Ministries of Lake Hills Community Church in Laguna Hills will present “High Tea” today at 2:30 p.m. with speaker Sandy Pearson.

The adult and children’s choirs will take part in Sunday services at 9 and 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Gene Pearson will deliver the message.

The Rev. Harold F. Leestma will lead the 8 a.m. drive-in service in the lower parking area of the church, at 23331 Moulton Parkway. Information: (714) 837-7729.


The United Methodist Women’s mother-daughter luncheon is today at 11:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall at the United Methodist Church of Garden Grove. Suggested donation is $5 for adults, $3 for children 12 and under.

On Sunday, the Methodist Men will serve breakfast from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Proceeds from a freewill donation will be used for various church projects.

Sunday services are at 9 and 10:30 a.m. The church is at 12741 Main St. Information: (714) 534-1070.


The Rev. Michael H. Wenning’s topic Sunday at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Hills is “You Don’t Send Me Flowers Anymore.”

Music director Alvin Brightbill has planned the music for the worship services, which are at 9 and 11 a.m. at 24301 El Toro Road (one block off Moulton Parkway). Information: (714) 837-2323.

“Stress Management for Busy Singles” is the Rev. Chris Schriner’s workshop topic Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Laguna Beach.

Schriner is also a licensed marriage and family counselor and the author of three books on stress.

There is a $3 charge for the 6:30 p.m. workshop, to be held at 429 Cypress Drive. Information: (714) 645-8597.

The Rev. Todd Schmidt’s topic Sunday at the Neighborhood Congregational Church in Laguna Beach is “Jesus: The Extraterrestrial.”


The worship service begins at 10 a.m. at the church, at 340 St. Ann’s Drive (at Glenneyre Street). Information: (714) 494-8061.

The Ex-Mormons for Jesus support group will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the Information & Visitors Center, 226 W. Chapman Ave., Orange.

The group meets the second Tuesday of every month. Information: (714) 997-3498.

The Rev. Galal Gough and Rabbi Marc Rubenstein are the guest speakers for Wednesday’s luncheon meeting of the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council.

Gough, senior pastor of First United Methodist Church in Costa Mesa, and Rubenstein, of Temple Isaiah in Newport Beach, will share their views in this segment of the “Simply God” series.

The council meets at noon at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 600 St. Andrew’s Road, Newport Beach. Reservations and information: (714) 548-3283.

The Adat HaMashiach Messianic Congregation will host a four-hour seminar on the Arab-Israeli conflict May 19 at the Irvine Marriott hotel.


The free seminar will be conducted by Robert Gorelik, leader of the congregation. It will cover the historical perspective of the Arab-Israeli conflict and trace the social, cultural and political events that have lead to the current Mideast situation.

All are invited to the 1 p.m. seminar at the hotel, at 18000 Von Karman Ave. Preregistration and information: (714) 786-8261.
