
JAZZ REVIEW : Australia’s Morrison Debuts at Central Park West

James Morrison, a multi-instrumentalist from New South Wales, recently recorded an album for which he overdubbed four trumpets, four trombones and five saxes. Clearly, this is not a trick that can be repeated in person, nor did his local club debut Thursday at Central Park West offer much by way of compensation.

Between his Australian accent and the conversational buzz (this has to be one of the noisiest rooms in town), it was hard to follow what Morrison was saying or playing. A plump, balding figure who looks more than his 28 years, he cruised through a few tunes on trumpet and fluegelhorn before taking up a trombone, the horn he handles best.

After making effective use of the upper register on “But Beautiful,” he acquitted himself creditably on trombone and piano in a blues. Overall, though, since it is no longer a novelty to hear a capable jazz artist from some remote outpost, the results were less than spectacular. Accompanying guitarist John Pisano, drummer Jeff Hamilton and bassist John Leitham)--having never played with Morrison before--were confined to blowing on standard tunes.


Morrison will need far better conditions if he is to make any impact in this country. He closes Sunday.
