
Region : Jewish Agency Aids Kurds

Mazon, a Jewish hunger relief agency, has donated $100,000 to buy 1 million oral rehydration packets for displaced Kurds, said Irving Cramer, executive director of the Westwood-based group.

Cramer, who recently visited refugee camps established by U.S. troops, said Mazon does not normally engage in emergency relief, concentrating instead on long-term programs such as food banks.

Now, he said, Mazon acted because of “the sheer scope of the need.”

“Our phone has been ringing off the hook with calls from people looking for some way to be responsive to the horrifying headlines,” he said.


The organization, which allocated $1.1 million in 1990, is seeking extra contributions from the 660 Jewish congregations that support its work, and from individuals. Checks may be sent to Mazon/Kurdish Relief Fund, 2940 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90064.
