
BUENA PARK : City OKs 2nd Hike in Trash Pickup Fees

The second hike in trash pickup rates this year was approved this week by the City Council.

Starting July 1, residential fees for trash collection will increase from $9.52 to $10.12 a month, and businesses that require six pickups a week will pay up to $29 more a month. The rate hikes were approved by the council Monday to offset an increase imposed by the county to dump at its landfills.

City officials said they had no choice but to pass on the added costs from the county to the consumer. “I am truly sorry,” said Councilman Donald L. Bone. “This is something we can’t avoid.”


Since last June, the residential rate, including the current increase, has gone up $3.12 a month. In February, the council approved one of the largest jumps, from $7.92 to $9.52. The money was used to start the city’s residential recycling program.

City officials said they expect further increases in the future.

“This is just an old song,” said Don Kemp, director of public works. “It is not going to be the last one.”
