
Teachers in Rosemead Walk Out in Pay Protest

Most of the 120 teachers in the Rosemead School District walked off their jobs Wednesday in protest against deadlocked salary negotiations, but officials said substitute teachers brought in from nearby school districts kept class disruptions to a minimum.

Rosemead’s teachers are striking for a 4.5% raise retroactive to last June and a medical insurance package worth about $4,400 annually, said union President Suzanne Risse. Risse said a state mediator recommended the 4.5% raises.

Supt. Walter Emerson said the district has offered a 3% salary increase and a medical insurance package worth about $3,900. The board also plans to give 3% annual raises to classified and administrative employees. “If we gave teachers 4.5%, we wouldn’t have been able to give the classified and administrative staff anything,” he said.
