
Whatever happened to Julian Bond?The 51-year-old former...

Whatever happened to Julian Bond?

The 51-year-old former Georgia state legislator and civil rights activist was considered one of the nation’s up-and-coming black politicians in the 1960s. He was so popular, in fact, that his name was placed in nomination for the vice presidency at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968.

Then Bond’s political ambitions derailed. In 1976, he started an unsuccessful campaign to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

In 1986, he lost a bid for a House seat from Atlanta. And he was rejected for the job as head of the American Civil Liberties Union’s


Washington office in 1988.

But Bond is still a hot item on the lecture circuit. He’s speaking on “Civil Rights, Now and Then,” at 7 tonight in Thorn Hall at Occidental College, 1600 Campus Road in Eagle Rock. The free event is sponsored by the Remsen Bird fund.

In addition to writing opinion pieces and lecturing, Bond hosts “America’s Black Forum,” a syndicated television talk show. In the Los Angeles area, the show can be seen on KCAL, Channel 9, at 1:30 a.m. Saturdays.

He is also a distinguished visiting professor at American University in Washington.
