
L.A. County Board

I commend The Times for a thoughtful and perceptive editorial in support of expanding the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors (April 25).

As did your editorial, I noted in my comments during a recent board meeting that the legal objections to a seven-member board should be addressed, preferably in public hearings. But it’s important to understand that the board committed itself only to directing County Counsel to draft a charter amendment for expansion and to submit the proposal for review by the 10-member, board-appointed Boundary Commission.

As yet, the board has taken no irrevocable action directing that such a measure actually be placed on the ballot.


The views of the public, the wishes of minority communities and the legal advice from plaintiffs’ attorneys deserve to be taken into account as the board develops an expansion proposal to submit to the voters. But for me, enlarging the board has never been an end in itself.

It is but one means--along with the creation of an elected county executive and possibly other reforms--toward a greater end: that of a more responsive, accountable and efficient county government.


Supervisor, Third District

Los Angeles County
