
Big-Game Hunts of Zoo Animals

I was shattered by your reports of illegal big-cat hunting in Northern California.

These rich miscreants spent their money for what? For sport? For fun? For the glorious, challenging, macho experience of murdering animals? How easy and satisfying it must have been for bullies with guns and squash for brains to reign superior.

I offer no sympathy, no understanding, no tolerance for the perpetrators. Their punishment, perhaps an affordable token fine, will register as a pathetic slap on the wrist, certainly no deterrent.

And will zoo officials--those entrusted with the care and protection of animals--be held accountable in any way? Probably not, once the immediate horror fades from public scrutiny. Because I’m tired of hearing about zoo abuse and neglect and broker sales, I no longer support them with money or attendance.


One more chalk mark for my cynicism, one more scar on my heart.


San Clemente
