
Fertile Ideas That Could Help Conception Chances

Five million U.S. couples--an estimated one in 12--are infertile, defined as having an inability to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse. But before going to a specialist, couples can follow some self-help measures. Here are two approaches, one centering on body weight and the other on over-the-counter home test kits to predict ovulation.

Gain--or lose--weight. Dr. G. William Bates, Greenville, South Carolina, reproductive endocrinologist.

“Gain or lose weight to achieve your ideal body weight (for fertility). In the last 10 years, I have done three clinical studies. All show that maintaining ideal body weight will result in fertility in otherwise healthy women.”

Use home ovulation predictor kits. David Hill, director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine, Century City Hospital.

“Before ovulation, there will be a surge of luteinizing hormone. Home ovulation kits are sensitive enough to detect this hormone, which is excreted in the urine. The kits are not cheap. Most run about $30. When you dip a test stick in the urine, it will change color to show the presence (of luteinizing hormone) or not. Couples might consider using these home ovulation kits for about four consecutive cycles before seeking additional medical help.”
