
WEST COUNTY : VENTURA : Council OKs Hike in Water, Sewer Rates

Ventura’s combined water and sewer rates will rise by 12.5% for the average household, according to a rate structure that was approved Monday night during the weekly City Council meeting.

The vote was 6-1, with Councilman James L. Monahan opposed because “I feel they’re (customers) already paying too much.”

The rate hike is part of the two-year budget adopted in June and is needed in part because of a mandatory water conservation ordinance imposed in the spring by the City Council.


In April, water rates increased by 44% and sewer rates by 27% for most single-family households, compensating for the decrease in water consumption caused by the ordinance.

The additional 12.5% increase will also be used for maintenance of Ventura’s water system, said Everette Garmon, a spokesman for the Ventura Department of Revenue.

The council will also require new water and sewer customers to make at least a $60 cash deposit on their accounts to cover two months of service. After receiving 12 months of consecutive payments for the bills, the city would credit the deposit, plus 6% interest, to the customer’s account, according to the plan.
