
GARDEN GROVE : Police Will Use Grant to Hire 4 Officers

The Police Department is using a $375,000 state grant to add four officers to its traffic unit and to implement a number of community awareness programs.

“The goal is to make the city a safer place to drive,” Lt. Kevin Raney said. “We want to lower the accident rate, lower the number of drunk drivers on the road and heighten awareness of seat belts and child restraints.”

The four new officers will include two motorcycle officers and two community service officers. The community service officers, who will not be sworn peace officers, will take traffic collision reports and present educational programs to the community.


One such program will focus on the city’s Asian communities. Raney said that a 1989 department study revealed that the most common cause of accidents among Asian drivers was right-of-way violations.

“We found that somewhat unique since most collisions are caused by excessive speed,” Raney said. “It appears to be a matter of not being as familiar with the rules of the road. We will be working with community leaders to heighten awareness of rules of the road among the Asian community.”

Other programs will focus on bicycle safety, seat-belt compliance and driving under the influence of alcohol.


The grant will also enable the department to purchase an $11,000 Visible Display Radar Trailer, a piece of equipment designed to reduce the number of speeding drivers. The radar records an auto’s speed and displays it so it is visible to the passing driver.

The traffic division is also purchasing a trailer to be used at sobriety checkpoints. The trailer will be equipped with several Breathalyzers and will have room to process drunk drivers. One of the conditions of the grant is that the department conduct at least 30 sobriety checkpoints within the next two years.
