
LAPD Heroes

In response to “LAPD Officers Dash Into Burning House to Save 20” (April 29).

We were amazed and even quite angry and upset to find this article buried way back on Page A13. This would seem to confirm the oft-mentioned feeling that good things are not newsworthy, but only violence and horror are front page material. The extreme, overdone publicity about the Rodney King case and all the other anti-police vindictiveness that has followed in its wake have made banner headlines in The Times and have been major news stories on TV.

The police officers mentioned in this article, who risked their lives in order to save homeless people, should be congratulated and honored! This article should have been on the front page of The Times, with their photographs and words of praise--not only for them personally, but for the entire LAPD, which trained and developed them, and for Chief Daryl Gates, who, as we have been told again and again, is ultimately responsible for everything that happens in the LAPD.


San Pedro
