

The Times monthly survey of the cost of goods and services commonly purchased by Southern California residents found little change in April. Notable changes include increases in the price of gasoline, due primarily to the beginning of the summer driving season and lower inventories in the United States.

Highlight: The Times cost-of-living survey for the first time today includes average costs of housing and utilities in Southern California. These figures will be updated quarterly. The average rent for a two-bedroom, unfurnished apartment is based on the cost of rental units in selected communities of Los Angeles and Orange counties that represent socioeconomic differences throughout the region. The survey shows that rents range from a low of $499 per month in parts of South-Central Los Angeles to $2,100 per month in the Marina del Rey beach community.

March April % Chg. Shelter Rent (2-bedroom, unfurnished apartment) -- $863.60 -- Utilities**** Natural gas -- $47.82 -- Telephone -- $27.69 -- Electricity DWP (400 kwh) -- $36.74 -- Southern California Edison (500 kwh) -- $56.61 -- Water and sewer -- $38.69 -- Water (DWP) -- $24.99 -- Groceries Chicken (per lb., best of fryer cut up) $1.76 $1.655 -6% 13 oz. can of coffee $2.67 $2.56 -4% 1 dz. eggs (grade AA large) $2.002 $1.902 -5% 24 oz. Wheat Bread $1.99 $2.042 +2.6% 1 lb. pinto beans $0.60 $0.598 ** 10 lb. bag of potatoes $2.09 $1.99 -4.7% Navel oranges (per lb.) $1.005 *** -- 1 gal. homogenized milk $2.50 $2.513 ** 1 lb. broccoli (fresh) $1.61 $0.73 -54.6% 8 oz. package of chocolate candy $1.756 $2.062 +17% Six-pack beer (12 oz. cans) $4.205 $4.26 +1.3% 1 doz. corn tortillas $0.46 $0.434 -5.6% 10 lb. bag dry dog food $5.986* $6.466 +7.9% Super concentrated detergent (30-load) $7.202 $7.482 +3.9% Toilet tissue (4-roll package) $1.554* $1.514* -2.5% Eating out Fast-food cheeseburger $0.835 $0.77 -7.7% Other goods and services 1 gal. gas (unleaded self-serve) $0.955 $1.035 +8% 3-pack, boys Size 12 cotton briefs $4.15 $5.15 +24% Dry cleaning man’s two-piece suit $7.11 $7.11 unch. Professional drain cleaning $44.56 $44.56 unch. Manicure 7.75 $7.75 unch.


* Includes at least one sale price. ** Less than 1% change.

*** Out of season. **** Monthly residential average provided by the utilities.
