
MINICAMP REPORT : Henning Takes Grossman’s Tough Comments In Stride

Dan Henning, Charger head coach, shrugged off defensive end Burt Grossman’s stinging published comments Sunday, saying there would be no repercussions.

“That’s Burt,” he said. “I’m glad he’s talking again. Last year when he stopped talking, he stopped sacking. So maybe he’ll be all right.

“If Burt can play and be productive, we’ll put up with Burt. If he’s not a player, then we’ll deal with him.”


Grossman also took shots in the Times Sunday at several of his teammates, including recent Plan B acquisition, Mark May.

“I do think before he picks on Mark May,” Henning said, “He ought to beat him at least once out there on the practice field.”

Grossman says he has to do his talking now, however, before the Chargers begin playing their games.


“This is the busy time of year for me,” Grossman said. “You’ll notice I get most of my attention during training camp and before the season begins, because after that we usually lose.”
