
Stations Offer Asian Programs

KSCI Channel 18 will be observing Asian Pacific Heritage Month with four hourlong specials each Monday in May at 10:30 p.m., all in English.

Under the umbrella title of “Moving the Image,” the series begins tonight with “Wataridori: Birds of Passage,” in which three first-generation Japanese-Americans describe their experiences. Due next Monday are “Pieces of a Dream” and “City, City,” followed by “I Told You So” and “Chinatown 2 Step” on May 20 and “Wong Sinsaang” and “Pak Bueng on Fire” on May 27.

KCET Channel 28 also is taking note of Asian Pacific Heritage Month, mostly with repeats, such as the documentary “Who Killed Vincent Chin?,” airing Friday at 9:30 p.m. On Saturday, KCET will show “Dust in the Wind” at 9 p.m. and “A Summer at Grandpa’s” at 11 p.m. Coming May 17 are “Chinatown: Between Two Worlds,” “Forbidden City U.S.A.,” “Where Confucius Meets the New Wave” and “In Rehearsal at the Peking Opera.”
