
Sepulveda Isn’t the Valley’s Stepchild

I am tired of the negative attention the homeowners who wish to secede from Sepulveda and become North Hills have brought to an area that is treated like the stepchild of the Valley. Talk about kicking you when you’re down, our own councilman, Joel Wachs, referred to us as the “Mercedes dismantlers.”

It’s so bad the Sepulveda Homeowners Assn. meets at the Balboa Mission Town Hall. In Granada Hills.

But I am still having a problem with the name “North Hills.” Where is the hill? The VA Hospital? That’s a mound.


And why “North”? North of what?

I thought they were “West” of the 405. But there is already a “West Hills.” So shouldn’t “North Hills” be “East Hills”? But “east” anything tends to conjure up bad images--East Los Angeles, East Hollywood, the Middle East, East of the 405, East Germany.

Do you think that with the influx of East Germans, West Germany is changing its name to “North Hills Germany”?

Maybe. But is that west of the 405 or east of the 405?

Where does it end? Will all of the cities with good and bad sections seek to secede from each other? Will the trouble-free area of Pacoima change to “Valley Hills”?


Recently I was speaking with a real estate agent who stated that most of the problems in Sepulveda were east of the 405 but west of Burnett and south of Nordhoff.

It seems we are almost at the point of identifying the troublemakers.

